Class of 2020
Men of Value

I massive goofed up.
Ajinkya Nene (AKN)
San Jose, CA
Course 6-3 - Computer Science, Course 15-3 - Finance
Sloan Business Club, Lifting, Eating Chipotle, Netflix
Hello, this man name Ajinkya. Ajinkya Nene. In 1998, he walk out of mother's womb premature in San Jose, CA without the help of physicians. He is miracle. He is sincere, thoughtful gentleman. He like bars, the ones with protein. He have great taste in food. If you see him at Chipotle, say hello! He also Netflix Diamond Solitaire member with over 3000 hours of video watched. He like happy times with people. Perhaps when you meet him you can loosen up and have happy times too. In free time, he also can be seen doing bench press, military press, pull-ups, bicep curls. Sometimes legs. Ajinkya is good brother. Always good to chill with him. He down to try many fun things in life. Many good memories with him. You should meet him.

Jump on three!
Andrew Lu (ACL)
Boston, MA
Course 14-2 - Mathematical Economics
Sloan Business Club, Inter-fraternity Council, StartLabs, Viola, Reading, Traveling
Andrew Lu is a local brother who hails from the great state of Massachusetts, majoring in Computer Science and Mathematical Economics. He may know a think or two about programming, but you can find his heart in business and finance. Andrew is a member of Sloan Business Club, Start Labs, and the Flux accelerator program. When heís not dishing out sound financial advice, he dominates the squash courts and dismantles his opponents in party games such as ping pong and foosball. Andrew is also the fearless leader of the 2020 pledge class, whose achievements include getting 12 people stuck in an elevator at 1 am, winning at the esteemed SK Late Night, and much more.

Surprise me twang.
Arman Talkar (AJT)
Seattle, WA
Course 6-3 - Computer Science
Reserve Officers' Training Corps, Climbing, Reading
Arman Talkar is a 6-3 major who is interested in cryptography. He is in Air Force ROTC. When he is not cracking codes or flying jets, he can be found enjoying the privacy of his room.

I sexually identify as a quant.
David Amirault (DJA)
Lexington, MA
Course 18 - Mathematics, Course 6-3 - Computer Science
Chess Club, Ultimate Frisbee, Juggling
Hailing from the suburbs of Lexington, Massachusetts, it is unclear whether this Twerk God was raised as a child prodigy, or if he was naturally born as one. From randomly discovering that he has a phenomenal voice to sing with, to humbly demolishing 6.437 psets in one night, it is clear that David is a brother truly worth the name. David is one of the most organized and put together brothers at PKT -- whether organizing serenades for the entire group, leading the way at parties, or solving puzzles at midnight, you'll never find yourself bored around him. On a typical weekday, you'll find him a disciplined ROTC man: working out, psetting with brothers, and even getting in some time to grab dinner with his many ladies. But on a weekend, it's a bit of a different story. However, even given his superhuman capabilities, David will never admit it -- he is one of the most kind, bright, and chill brothers that Phi Kappa Theta has to offer. Never be afraid to hang out with David -- you'll find out that there's much more to him than it first seems.

Mohabbat hai Mirchi
Faraaz Nadeem (FXN)
Lexington, MA
Course 6-3 - Computer Science
Mirchi, Asian Dance Team, Muslim Students Association, Machine Intelligence Community
I was shooting the shit in a little coffeeshop off 11th when my ears whiffed a conversation between a couple dudebros by the bar. One of them asked "How do I get a damsel's dhol drumming?" The other flexed his pecs a bit and spewed some recycled Pornhub-sidebar-advertisement BS and the two smugly returned to their lives of ignorance. I slurped to the dregs of my single-source Kenyan latte as fondness turned my vision a shade of mocha, and I remembered the one man who really got those dhols drumming. I asked my mother about the day Faraaz was born and she almost fainted from happiness. She said Allah carried him down from the heavens while Lord Shiva danced the Electric Boogaloo and Yahweh skipped through hemp fields with Jesus Christ on his back. A myriad of maidens simultaneously announced their engagement to the newborn and from the countless brawls of passion that followed, the sport of wrestling was born. The chocolate child Faraaz paid no attention to these diversions. 100,000 rupee dowries didn't interest him. 1's and 0's did. A dalliance in the digital became a full-blown passion in his junior year, where he taught himself the poetry of Course 6 and published apps garnering thousands of downloads. But Faraaz was a heartless man. Rather than seek profit, he sought to help the homeland. In his senior year of high school, he built an app to make vital information accessible in the various vernaculars of India. His intellectual pursuits continued to the hallowed halls of MIT. Outside of classes, he laid down his running baton and picked up the Sapp. With practically no prior dance experience, Faraaz became a star on Mirchi, MIT's Indian fusion dance team. On the proving grounds of the dance floor he trained his body to be as lithe and sultry as a panther and as explosive as an IED. Newcomers to MIT would occasionally see lines of women stretching from Kresge to Sloan. They'd shrug it off, thinking Beyonce was in town. Little did they know these hearts were aflutter in anticipation of a Mirchi performance, and the few minutes they'd have to bask in the glory of Faraaz Nadeem. When Faraaz pledged to Phi Kappa Theta as a sophomore, the universe almost faced an apocalypse. Having PKT and Faraaz Nadeem mix, arguably the two most perfect things in existance, put the balance of good and bad out of whack. Braving the Crimson Staircase of Doom, Faraaz reached the top to ask the saintly Rush Chair what to do. Minutes before the collapse of Earth's core, a solution was found. In an act of true selflessness, Faraaz ascended to the realm of angels, forever becoming the divine protector of PKT. I ran out of the coffeshop before the others could see my tears of remembrance. Later that day, I made sure to drive on the footpath on the way home. I smiled as the divine voice of Faraaz rang in my ears. "Shabash beta, shabash!"

My guy.
John Piotti (JSP)
Unity, ME
Course 2 - Mechanical Engineering
Sailing, Skiing, Windsurfing, Guitar, EDM production.
With his chiseled abs, wavy brown hair, and unabashedly salmon-colored shorts, everything about John Piotti just screams fratstar. Hailing from the stormy seas of Maine, Johnís both a New England native and a sailor at heart. With his steady hand holding the ropes and his silky smooth voice narrating the history of the Boston skyline, watching John lead a boating tour down the Charles is surely on every MIT studentís bucket list. When something needs fixing, everyone knows Johnís the brother to go to. As handy with a toilet plunger as he is with a sail, Johnís restored the PKT house to its old glory, painstakingly painting over decades of beer stains and cracks. Legend has it that when this godly specimen walks into a party, the ladies come flocking. Luckily for us, Piottiís a romantic at heart and has eyes only for his childhood sweetheart, so heís always happy to introduce any admirers to his friends instead. Is it any surprise that everyone calls John best brother?

N*gga what?
Josh Noel (JEN)
Collegeville, PA
Course 6-2 - Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
UROP, Soccer, Climbing, Trampoline Dodgeball
Josh is a freaking legend of a man. Born and raised in Southeast Pennsylvania, heís had a lifetime of athletic and academic prowess. Josh is a straight up computer graphics wiz-kid, a lifelong soccer player, and musical virtuoso in over 5 instruments. He is also possibly the fastest man on Earth (some say universe), as we all witnessed when he singlehandedly carried our class to victory in the annual PKT relay race, breaking the sound barrier on the final leg. When he isnít destroying track records, you might catch Josh at the local trampoline dodgeball arena, absolutely crushing it. Josh is a very well rounded guy - friendly, modest, and always incredibly composed. Always down for anything, Josh really knows how to have a good time!

I am just bothered when people don't like me because my ego thrives on adoration of the masses.
Nilai Sarda (NMS)
Atlanta, GA
Course 6-3 - Computer Science, Course 18 - Mathematics
Linguistics, Climbing, Ukulele, Trading
Nilai Sarda, our little brother from your mom's sister. This fkin g comes from the streets of Atlanta and spells that shit like he some scripps spelling (cop that) bee. We once asked Nilai, how do you spell happiness, and he said, phi kappa theta. Nils, as us bros so affectionately (no homo, actually mebs for nils) call him, has size 13 feet. Now we did the math, and that means he truly gets that shit popping. You'll be at social hours wondering why the fk everyone be looking at the ground, and then you look up, god shines his fking light all over your face, and you see it's your g nilai Sarda. You stare at his fresh skin, his frosty smile, his sparkling white feet, and at his fking big feet. In that moment, all you can think is wow, mama I made it. And that's when your world goes white. Nils, what a fking G.

Rayden Chia (RYC)
Course 6-3 - Computer Science
Sloan Business Club, Cooking, Traveling, Lifting, DJ-ing, all things Cybersecurity
Rayden Chia is the Asian James Bond. Be it exploiting vulnerabilities in servers, going hard on problem sets, or extracting meat from a horde of crabs, Rayden Chia lives up to his Expert certification in Offensive Security. He possesses a certain dignity and class that comes from being under high-stress scenarios in the military. A truly talented man, Rayden can cook you a Michelin-starred meal from the recipes he finds past your computer's firewalls while looking absolutely fabulous. Watch out for Rayden in the future as his security technology company may be the only thing between your search history and the government.

Hope all those expensive dinners were worth it!
Shreyan Jain (SXJ)
Cupertino, CA
Course 6-3 - Computer Science
Mirchi, Sloan Business Club
Shreyan Jain grew up in the great state of California, where he developed a fond affection for all things prep -- you can catch him more often than not meandering around campus in salmon shorts and Aldo loafers. From a young age, Shreyan loved biology, becoming one of only 2 people nationwide to get a perfect score on the AP exam, and starting an extremely popular prep blog online. Of course, when he came to MIT, he pursued this passion by becoming a computer science major. Shreyan's other interests include dancing, Bose headphones, and complaining. Feel free to ask Shrey about anything from Abelian groups of order 5 to his love for good food. By far one of the smartest and most handsome brothers in our pledge class, Shreyan's a great addition to the brotherhood!