Class of 2021
Men of Value

Alex Tran (AHT)
Houston, TX
Course 6-3 - Computer Science
Spokes, Code For Good, UROP
He doesn’t always speak, but when he does, he prefers “YEAH!” Alex Tran is the most interesting man in the world. He once defused a riot in Turkey by speaking Turkish… in French. When he writes in a textbook, it immediately increases in value. Once, he likened machine learning to teaching a dog to sit. He gives professors PSETS, and his tests come pre-marked with 100%. S^3 asks him for sick days, purely out of respect. He knows all forms of martial arts, including the three that only he knows. No human fully understands his story — because it’s too much knowledge for mere mortals. Not even we know all the details of Alex Tran’s existence, but as he always says — “Stay bros my friends.”

Gabriel Ramirez (GLR)
McAllen, TX
Course 6-3 - Computer Science
Code for Good, UROP, lifting, throwing ragers (trying to at least)
Referred to in some circles as the Social Overlord, Gabe is without doubt the most outgoing brother at PKT. A natural at computer science, Gabe has progressed beyond coding--he simply stares intimidatingly at the computer through his Ray-Bans and the system bends to his will. Gabe, however, possesses a keen aptitude for people as well as machines, and you would be hard-pressed to find anybody at MIT who doesn't have a story or ten to tell about him. Over the course of the last year, he adopted the mantra "Make PKT Lit Again" and revitalized the social scene, attracting thousands of partygoers with his illustrious boat shoes and ubiquitous Tom Ford cologne.
A proud Texan at heart, Gabe is the undisputed grillmaster of Phi Kappa Theta. His propensity for memes is unrivaled, as is his commitment to the brotherhood. All hail His Royal Memeyness.

Isaac Toscano (IAT)
Houston, TX
Course 3 - Materials Science and Engineering
Lifting, boxing, soccer
Born in Monterrey, Mexico and raised in Houston, Texas. This great swimmer has shown that is really is possible to start from the bottom and make it to the top. Isaac has shown this both academically and in boxing. He went undefeated for most of his boxing career and had to stop because of a couple of unfortunate events. However, he went from being a chubby kid to becoming a legend in the gym. He is the definition for a “gentle giant”. This man would run around the world for his brothers at any moments request. However, if you make him mad or make those that he loves upset, you should be prepared to face the punching power equivalent to Thanos’s fist. Seriously though, Isaac might look tall and scary on the outside. But he is a caring and loving individual.

F*ck you, Gabe.
Alex Encinas (MAE)
Guadalajara, Mexico
Course 2 - Mechanical Engineering
Running, UROP
On January 12th 1999 homeboy Alex was born, blessing everyone in his city of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico with his presence. From his amazing athletic build and charming smile to his WILD party habits and great wealth Manuel Alejandro Encinas Maqueda is a student you definitely want to look out for. Let us start with his time in Texas. After spending some time in Mexico, Alex grew up in the wealthiest suburb of Texas: The Woodlands. Eating a five star meal cooked by a personal chef brought all the way from the exotic lands of the east is one way he'd occupy his time on a typical weekend night. It isn’t the fact that Alex would show up to his High School in a white Ferrari or the fact that he could buy you a $300 steak on a Friday Night that makes Alex such an amazing individual, most of all it is Alex’s kindness and leadership that makes him such a valuable brother in our fraternity. If you ever catch this man at a party you best bet he will be one of the ones bringing the house down (not literally) but it’ll be a pretty good party, you’ll even probably hear him say “bet” or you’ll see the big swole giant standing next to him saying “bet” 3 or 4 times a minute (it’s a popular word). His favorite hobbies include partying all night (on a Friday night... school is important) and running (especially away from the cops). Make sure you look out for my Mexican brother from another mother.

Does having a diversified asset portfolio make me a hoe?
Nyle Sykes (NAS)
Denver, CO
Course 6-3 - Computer Science, Course 15-3 - Finance
Sloan Business Club, Global Platinum Securities, Fencing, DEAL
One night, in beautiful Denver, Colorado, a man was born. His parents would've named him Discounted Cash Flow, but that was too long. So they named him Nyle. Nyle Sykes. Legend has it that his first three words were "mergers and acquisitions," and with his fourth word he brought into existence the modern economy. Nyle speaks fluent pitch deck, so fluent in fact that Goldman Sachs once turned to him for investment advice. Unfortunately, though, Nyle's financial aptitude was so vast that his assistance led to a period of hyperinflation that crashed the Zimbabwean economy, which is still reeling to this day.
In his free time (which he markets to third parties at a rate of no less than $400,000/hour), Nyle enjoys playing with long pointy sticks. This was found to be politically incorrect, so he took up fencing instead. At some point in his standard 32-hour workday, he is a member of the Sloan Business Club and is an analyst for two student-run investment funds, both of which he manages singlehandedly. In his sleep.

Sam Chinnery (SBC)
Independence, MO
Course 6-1 - Electrical Science and Engineering
Sloan Business Club, IM Soccer, IM Ultimate Frisbee
Hailing from the vast expanse of Missouri, Sam is the true spiritual successor of Elon Musk. Having made a 32 bit computer at an early age, he came to MIT with the sole desire to learn the ways of the 64 bit computer. However, after an experiment went horribly wrong, he became the 64 bit computer. Now, he spends much of his time hidden away in the darkest corners of the Stata loading docks sifting through piles of machinery. Nobody knows for what he looks. Nobody knows of what he speaks. Nobody knows for what purpose he is here. Nobody dares approach him. He does not learn from his professors, for he taught the professors that taught his professors. When he isn't taking apart microwaves and projectors to build tesla coils and who knows what else, you can find him meandering around campus with naught but his guitar and the shoes on his feet as he ponders the potential implications of the fabrication of miniaturized, high-density PCBs on the American psyche. Do not question this man, for your questions will run out far before his knowledge.

The best way to manage risk is to be the one creating it.
Stephen Otremba (SEO)
Northridge, CA
Course 6-3 - Computer Science
Sabermetrics, Running, MIT Pokerbots
Stephen Otremba is a california guy. Unforgettable. Salmon shorts, flowy long hair on top. Sun-kissed skin so hot he'll melt your popsicle. Oh oh oh oh...Perhaps a figment of Katy Perry’s imagination, the man is an allstar— you might find him slashing through his coding psets, or racing himself on a casual run, or simultaneously lifting and spitting barz. Stephen also serves as risk manager, protecting the house and its contents from harm during parties. With his speed, composed demeanor, and golden hair, there’s no doubt the man will someday colonize neptune. And when he does, he’ll invite PKT to come live with him. He’s a real brotremba.